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  • イヌのがんに対する免疫療法として世界初と報じられた治療法について

 山口大学共同獣医学部獣医臨床病理学分野の伊賀瀬雅也氏らは、日本全薬工業と共同でイヌの悪性腫瘍に対する抗イヌPD-1イヌ化抗体を開発したと、Sci Rep(2020;10:18311)に報告したと医療系情報サイトで紹介されました。



 がんは高齢犬の死因で最も多く、外科手術、放射線療法、抗がん薬などで治療されるが、進行例や治療抵抗性を有する例への有効な治療は確立されていない。伊賀瀬氏らは、イヌPD-1分子に特異的なモノクローナル抗体を基にイヌ化抗イヌPD-1抗体を作製。in vitroにおいて、PD-1とPD-L1分子を阻害してリンパ球機能の増強を認め、健常ビーグル犬を用いた検討では安全性が確認された。





A pilot clinical study of the therapeutic antibody against canine PD-1 for advanced spontaneous cancers in dogs


Inhibition of programmed death 1 (PD-1), expressed on activated T cells, can break through immune resistance and elicit durable responses in human melanoma as well as other types of cancers. Canine oral malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive tumors bearing poor prognosis due to its high metastatic potency. However, there are few effective treatments for the advanced stages of melanoma in veterinary medicine. Only one previous study indicated the potential of the immune checkpoint inhibitor, anti-canine PD-L1 therapeutic antibody in dogs, and no anti-canine PD-1 therapeutic antibodies are currently available. Here, we developed two therapeutic antibodies, rat-dog chimeric and caninized anti-canine PD-1 monoclonal antibodies and evaluated in vitro functionality for these antibodies. Moreover, we conducted a pilot study to determine their safety profiles and clinical efficacy in spontaneously occurring canine cancers. In conclusion, the anti-canine PD-1 monoclonal antibody was relatively safe and effective in dogs with advanced oral malignant melanoma and other cancers. Thus, our study suggests that PD-1 blockade may be an attractive treatment option in canine cancers.
